Human, Evolution, Culture, Moral and Spiritual Behaviour, Activities, Socio-Economic, CivilizationAbstract
Civilization arises with man’s evolution, from caves to remarkable buildings. It is the embodiment of all human races, creeds and traditions. Man is the basic unit of civilization. Necessities of life, geological circumstances and socio-political rules are the affecting factors of civilization. It includes all material as well as spiritual activities that man adopts for his stability on earth. Folklore, moral rituals, philosophy, socio-economic activities, religion, culture and ideologies are different progressive steps of human civilization. It gives a specific identity to a nation at all levels. Civilization distinguish man from other creations and grows from generation to generation. There is a big confusion between the word culture and civilization. Culture is the expression of the moral and spiritual behaviour of a man that creates uniformity and discipline among different members of society while civilization describes all evolutionary steps that man takes to live on land. Culture and civilization are the two sides of the same coin.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Javed Iqbal, Dr. Rabia Sarfraz (Author)
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