”سفرنامہ ’’یارِ من ایران‘‘ کا تنقیدی جائزہ

A Critical Analysis of Travelogue “Yar-e-Mann Iran


  • Dr Sami Ullah Assistant Professor, Department of Persian, Government College University, Faisalabad Author




Motorbike Journey, Iran, Travelogue, Cross Route Club, Peace And Friendship Rally, Yar-e-Mann Iran


Yar-e-Mann Iran is a travelogue by a writer who is a motorcyclist tourist and traveled to Iran in the company of a 16-member tourist club. This travel was organized by a Pakistani motorcycle club named Cross Route Club. The basic purpose of this tour was to explore brotherhood country Iran and promote tourism, especially motorbike tourism in Pakistan. The tour is named Yar-e-Mann Iran and this journey started from Lahore to Tehran named Peace and Friendship Rally. Traveling itself is an exciting recreational activity and the creation of any travelogue makes that travel accessible to many tourism lover readers. Among the different natures of journeys, a trip with a biker is exciting and guides many interesting and difficult experiences that might be overlooked in other types of travel. A critical review of this travelogue Yar-e-Mann Iran is being presented in this article.


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عبد المنان،ملک، یار من ایران، 2020، عمار پبلی کیشنز، لاہور، ص 32۔

ایضا ، ص 23۔

عبد المنان،ملک، یار من ایران، 2020، عمار پبلی کیشنز، لاہور، ص33،34۔

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ایضا ، ص 137۔

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عبد المنان،ملک، یار من ایران، 2020، عمار پبلی کیشنز، لاہور، ص 25۔

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How to Cite

”سفرنامہ ’’یارِ من ایران‘‘ کا تنقیدی جائزہ: A Critical Analysis of Travelogue “Yar-e-Mann Iran. (2024). Taṣdīq, 6(1), 19-34. https://doi.org/10.56276/eh9pzd88