Preaching, Message,, Consciousness, Moral, Patriotism, Pastoralism, Nature Painting, National Ideologies, Revolutionary Ideas, Thematic Similarities, Contemporary Poets, IqbalAbstract
Iqbal was a great poet of modern Urdu poetry and his
contemporary poets directly accepted his influence. Iqbal's poems
were published in Sir Abdul Qadir's magazine "Makhzn", so he
gained fame very quickly. His contemporary poets started
imitating his themes and styles when he became famous. In the
beginning, Iqbal made the phenomena of nature the subject of his
poems. His contemporary poets have also presented the beauty of
nature in their poetry. Soon Iqbal changed his direction of thought
and awakened the consciousness of the nation. When Iqbal started
patriotic, national, and reformist poetry, themes of national nature
flourished in his contemporaries' poems. The poetry of Iqbal's era
is intellectually homogenous and common. The main reason is that
Iqbal and his contemporaries share many revolutionary ideas and
national thoughts. In the poems of Iqbal and his contemporaries,
dreams are found for the country's bright future. In their poetry, the
description of the homeland, India's greatness, and the scenes of
nature are reflected. Iqbal and his contemporary poets have made
naturalism, nostalgia, patriotism, and children's literature the same
subject. They have the same reform, moral, political, and social
consciousness. Iqbal and his contemporary poets were patriotic.
They revealed the hidden secrets of the universe and nature. In the
poetry of Iqbal and his contemporary poets, the element of message
and preaching is prominent. There is a lot of similarity in their
imagination and thoughts.
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